Patrick Scott Dolinger

Data Obsessed Coder - Instructor - Lifelong Learner

Skills I teach

About Me

I have had the opportunity to work for some of the greatest technology companies in the industry. I will always owe a debt of gratitude for opportunities at Cognos, Microsoft, and IBM. I began working in the analytics space in the summer of 2000 after a short career as a systems developer. I am passionate about working with data as I love the challenges it affords. It is the field I want to teach new analysts who in turn will share this same passion in their new career.

Education was my first passion. I hold Bachelor’s and Master's Degrees in Education from the University of North Texas and being able to pursue both passions at this point in my career is very rewarding. Analytics skills are in high demand due to the amount of business data collected. Trained analysts are required to unleash the information within this data. This demand does not appear to be dampening and it is great to see students find success in the field.

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